====== Collection elements by ====== A QUERY Datastream is an ITQL query that overrides the Islandora’s default ITQL query. * Default ITQL query (''sites/all/modules/islandora-github/CollectionClass.inc''): $query_string = 'select $object $title $content from <#ri> where ($object $title and $object $content and ($object or $object ) and $object ) minus $content order by $title'; * Add datastream "QUERY" to collection with new ITQL query: select $object $title $content $description from <#ri> where ($object $title and $object $description and $object $content and ($object %parent_collection% or $object %parent_collection%) and $object ) minus $content order by $description * NOTE: **''%parent_collection%''** will be replaced by **''''** in php code.