====== Drupal Solr connector ====== * Install modules search_api and search_api_solr cd /var/www/siteDir # sudo -u www-data composer require drupal/search_api # sudo -u www-data vendor/drush/drush/drush en search_api # sudo -u www-data composer require drupal/search_api_solr # sudo -u www-data vendor/drush/drush/drush en search_api_solr * Configure server Browse to admin/config/search/search-api and click Add server Server name solr_server_name Enabled YES Backend Solr Configure Solr backend Standard Configure Standard Solr connector HTTP protocol http Solr host solrVM.domain.com Solr port 8983 Solr path /solr Solr core archipelago Advanced Retrieve result data from Solr YES Retrieve highlighted snippets YES * Configure index Browse to admin/config/search/search-api and click Add index Index name solr_index_name Data sources Content YES Server solr_server_name Enabled YES Description Basic Content * Check server conf Browse to admin/config/search/search-api/server/solr_server_name Status enabled (disable) Backend class Solr Search indexes solr_index_name Solr connector plugin Standard Solr server URI http://solrVM.domain.com:8983/solr/ Solr core URI http://solrVM.domain.com:8983/solr/#/archipelago Server Connection The Solr server could be reached. Core Connection The Solr core could be accessed (latency: 7.0372091064453 ms). Configured Solr Version 7.6.0 Detected Solr Version 7.6.0 Indexed 0 items (69 bytes on disk) Delay 10 sec before updates are processed. Schema drupal-6.0-solr-7.x Solr Core Name archipelago Targeted content domain generic * Check index conf Browse to admin/config/search/search-api/index/solr_index_name Status enabled (disable) Datasource Content (0/0 indexed) Tracker Default Server solr_server_name Server index status There are 0 items indexed on the server for this index. (More information) Cron batch size During cron runs, 50 items will be indexed per batch. * Update search_api_solr to 3.x-dev cd /var/www/siteDir sudo -u www-data composer require "drupal/search_api_solr:3.x-dev" --dev "solarium/solarium:^4.3.0-alpha.2" --dev sudo -u www-data composer update "strawberryfield/strawberryfield" sudo -u www-data vendor/drush/drush/drush cr sudo -u www-data vendor/drush/drush/drush updatedb sudo -u www-data vendor/drush/drush/drush cr sudo -u www-data vendor/drush/drush/drush search-api-clear sudo -u www-data vendor/drush/drush/drush search-api-index